Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Data Management and Storage Enterprise Wide

For most companies the tasks of managing IT infrastructure, complying with federal regulations and laws, cutting costs, and moving forward with business objectives are no walk in the park.

When considering your IT infrastructure there are several elements that must be looked at, including;

Business Continuity
Disaster Recovery
IT Controls
Monitoring (web applications)
Business Goals

When looking at the framework involved in each of the above elements, one can conclude that there is a commonality across them all - that being technology. Busines continuity and disaster recovery require the use of data backup strategies and management of risk, the implemenation of controls and monitoring require software solutions that mesh seemlessly with your existing IT environment, all of which lead to the achievement of your specific business goals (cutting costs, demonstrating compliance with federal regulations, creating enterprise wide IT platforms, etc)

From a security consulting perspective all of these objectives can be met by customizing an IT based data backup strategy to your existing platforms.
Disaster Ready Digital Solutions allow for a system-based approach that provides flexibility, functionality, and are scalable to provide data backup for hundreds of locations back to a single point of analysis - offering control and security.

If your company is looking for a cost effective solution to regulatory data storage, seemless integration to your current software & hardware - all in a Plug and Play / No Training Required strategy, look no further than ioSafe.

K.L. Security Enterprises, LLC is your source for business continuity solutions that are dependable, hassle-free, drive out costs, provide ongoing support, and mesh seemlessly with your compliance / regulatory issues.